Dangers of Driving in Snow

Make sure you are aware of the potential dangers on the road from ice, snow and winter weather before driving. When you decide to get behind the wheel of your car, you accept the responsibility for what happens while you are driving, so please pay extra attention when entering intersections and don’t always “assume” that the other driver can see you.

The National Highway Transportation Safety Administration estimates about 35 percent of all weather related car accidents are caused by snow and ice and with more distractions than ever, drivers must pay attention on the roads and allow enough space to control any driving incident that may occur.

Snow Bank Dangers

As you can see from the photo, giant snow banks create a huge hazard when driving in the winter.  You have to use extreme caution when entering or exiting a roadway that has a snow bank that is blocking your view.  It is recommended that AFTER you come to a complete stop, you should slowly “inch” your car out until your view of oncoming traffic is no longer blocked.  These hazards will remain until the snow melts, so keep this in mind when you are driving your car on Long Island to avoid a car accident.

For more helpful Winter Driving Tips Visit the NHTSA website: https://www.nhtsa.gov/winter-driving-tips


Rappaport, Glass, Levine & ZUllo LLP have represented many clients who were involved in car accidents on Long Island.
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